Nuevo Servicio: Iluminación íntima

Para concentrarnos en la decoloración de la piel, Mi Beauty Wax ahora ofrece servicios de iluminación para tratar la decoloración en áreas íntimas como el bikini, la parte interna de los muslos y las axilas. El servicio y su propósito El servicio es un peeling a base de ingredientes aclarantes que ayudan a iluminar la …

New Service: Initimate Brightening

To address uneven skin tones/discoloration Mi Beauty Wax is now happily offering brightening services to treat discoloration in intimate areas such as the bikini, inner thighs & underarms. The Intimate Brightening System & It’s purpose The Intimate Brightening System is a peel using brightening ingredients that help brighten the skin in a careful and safe …

Sun Rays and Waxing

Happy first days of summer! Have you ever compared your arms and noticed your driver-side arm is more tan? Mine definitely is! Usually, this happens because the sun’s UVA rays make their way not only through the clouds but also through your car windows and eventually to your skin. Unfortunately, these UVA rays, although they …